Monday, May 26, 2014

Contemptor Dreadnought Talon "Hand of Judgement"

     Hand of Judgement is composed of some of the chapters oldest and most revered heroes. Each has served the Ultramarines for uncounted years, steadfastly guarding the Imperium even in death. 

     Brother Vastrian fellin the latter days of the Horus Heresy. Harbors a particular hatred for The dogs of Angron, for he fell in battle defending his planet agienst one of the world eaters many incursions into Ultramarian space.
    He now fights to bring death to all traitors despensing death with massive sweeps from his mighty fists, shrugging off all but the most grievous of damage.
    In battle the contemptor frame is robust to the extreme, incorporating a high armor value and an invulnerable save. Vastrian in particular is use full as a battering ram, using his twin fists with in built plasma guns/grav blasters to clear away infantry and tanks alike with equal ease.

     Telemecrius is one of the oldest living heros of the Ultramarines chapter. He fought on Calth to smash the traitor Word Bearers when they stabbed their brothers in the back.
   He fights on leading his brothers on the battle field to Heroic victory, and off the battle field, he lends his experience to the chapters leaders to guide them towards victory.
   On the battlefield Telemecrius' assault cannon is perfect for clearing away infantry and light vehicles. Using the newest rule set he is extremely hard to move off an objective. nothing less than a full on assault seems to be able to make the contemptor budge.

    Brother Belagrithar fell during a tyranid incursion, holding the space port long enough to evacuate all of the civilian and guard personal possible, leading the fighting retreat Belagrithar was cut down by genestealers hiding in the rubble. His broken and rent form was dragged into the sole remaining thunder hawk.
   Bound in the form of a Contemptor his venerable guns destroy the Imperiums enemies even in death.
   Belagrithar is my mobile anti air support. With his twin linked las cannons he holds down an objective with storms of las fire or clears the skiers on the charge towards the enemy.

to paint theses models:

  1. Base coat of black
  2. cobalt blue base
  3. light blue drybrush
  4. detail work
  5. dipped in wood stain (brown)

Recon Squad Kraxtos

        Recon squad Kraxtos is a relic of old legion times. In the ever shifting miasma of war, current and reliable intelligence is a vital asset to any army. 
Kraxtos secures a vital objective

   Masters of the silent kill, they quickly melt back into the shadows once they have eliminated their target.

   On the battle field the recon squad is perfect for infiltrating to take an objective early in the game. They are perfect for holding onto those objectives, combining a high cover save with pinpoint accuracy to hold off enemy troops until reinforcements arrive.
    Alternatively they are very efficient at picking off enemy characters, denying the enemy their leadership.

To paint these models:

  1. Black base coat
  2. cobalt base
  3. leather brown
  4. detail work
  5. gray/light brown dry brush
  6. brown wood stain dip