Thursday, July 17, 2014

The Battle of Portus Augustonemetum

       The Astropath howled as she died. Writhing and clawing at the ground as her broken mind collapsed in. Over and over she let loose a single strangled cry, " They have come to punish usssss.... They have come to punish usssss.."
      As the psyker died in agony, Captain Galenus or the Ultramarines 5th company turned to Centurion Proximo Tarchon, a man out of time, leading survivors from Angrons rampage across the 500 worlds 10,000 years ago. "The eldar have come brother, I thank the primarch that we have such vaunted warriors to fight at out side." 
    "The machinations of the warp are strange indeed Brother Captain, it still astounds me that we have found ourselves in the future. No matter, my warriors are at your disposal." answered Tarchon
    "Very well, assemble the company, we ride to war!" Declared Galenus.

The following is a battle report detailing a 10,000 point apocalypse battle between Ultramarines elements from 30k and 40k as well as a titan detachment and Eldar from various prominent craft worlds. All names and models copyright of Gamesworkshop.

 below is a link to a quick redo of the ultramarines list  file:///C:/Users/futz6_000/Desktop/warhammer%2040k/apoc%20v%20eldar/spacemarines%20list.html

Turn 1
The Eldar titan is pounded and loses 9 hull points

 The first turn saw the Ultramarines advance their spear head under the protection of the guns of the Titans and defence networks, many eldar felt the wrath of those guns, but none more so than the titan, which lost almost half of its hull points.

  The eldars first turn saw the death of the valiant reaver, and the bracing of the eldar lines.

Battlefield at the end of turn one
Turn Two

 Turn two saw some of the most destruction possible, The eldar  titan (in the above picture) fell to the massed fire from the storm lord, earning it an immediate accommodation. The space marines let fly with their fury, damaging the other eldar titan and reducing on of the eldar super heavy tanks to wreckage. Vaulting into the fray, the Landraider spear head launches into the eldar ranks. Twho Contemptor dreadnaught talons deploy to assault the enemy hq, though they died in the attempt, they fought valiantly.

  The eldar deploy a flanking force behind the spear head destroying two rhinos along with their spacemarine cargo while eldar bombers flew overhead destroying much.

Battlefiend after turn two
Final Turn

The final carnage

 The Ultramarines sally forth from their landraiders and fell the Avatar and obliterate the wraithgaurd, asecond superheavy and other eldar. The reaver returns and takes immediate vengence felling the final eldar titan.

The eldar turn saw the return of the felled titan and redestruction of the reaver and other elements. in the final moments of the match, every shot was loosed in an attempt to destroy the storm lord and bring the game to a tie, and with the final shot, it was achieved. The final score was 24 to 24

    "We have manged to hold them here," Tarchon said. Tarchon looked out over the destruction of the battlefield, the burnt out husk of an avatar lay broken at his feet. Reclimation forces were dragging the destroyed form of the storm lord to be repaired. 
   Captain Galenus walked up next to the old centurion and replied, "Yes we may have ended the battle but the war has only just begun."

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Battle for Sinac

  A warp rift has been torn in the fabric of realspace in the Sinac system, disgorging a ship out of time, a world eaters leigon vessel! 
  Breaking through the orbital defenses, the brutal ship let loose with dropships and drop pods to the realing planet below. As Ultramarine forces gather at Silac city outskirts to repel the invaders.

The Ultramarine's defenders; from left to right; a vindicator, A recon squad, a dreadnaught talon containing three contemptors, a catifracti armored librarian, and a Thallaxi cohort.

The World Eaters invaders; from left to right (a (diminished) 10 man squad of assault marines, The Red Butchers, Karn the Bloody, Leigon master Loke(contemptor Dreadnaught), and a (diminished) 10 man squad of assault marines.)

This match was conducted using the new 7th edition rules, maelstrom mission "contact lost" and tactical objectives.

LEFT: we see the bored after the first turn with both sides advancing on one another
ABOVE: The Ultramarines take up position in a destroyed building.

Ultra: 3/ World Eater:1

 LEFT: the board after turn two; Above: the red butchers and Karn assault a contemptor; BELOW: Assault marines advance on an Ultramarine held position.

LEFT: The board after turn three
ABOVE: Having finished with the Contemptor; Karn assaults the Thalexi squad
ABOVE: Karn faces off against the Ultramarines Librarian
LEFT: The battle field as of turn 5, alot has been lost on both sides.
BELOW: The last of the world eaters face off against one of the remaining contemptors

LEFT: Loke holds the sole remaining world eaters objective
BELOW: Telemecrus holds an Ultramarines objective

     With a total score of 3 to 11 the world eaters are beaten back and sent yapping back into the arms of their traitorous brethren. Though the cost was high, the Ultramarines saved the day.