Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Battle for Sinac

  A warp rift has been torn in the fabric of realspace in the Sinac system, disgorging a ship out of time, a world eaters leigon vessel! 
  Breaking through the orbital defenses, the brutal ship let loose with dropships and drop pods to the realing planet below. As Ultramarine forces gather at Silac city outskirts to repel the invaders.

The Ultramarine's defenders; from left to right; a vindicator, A recon squad, a dreadnaught talon containing three contemptors, a catifracti armored librarian, and a Thallaxi cohort.

The World Eaters invaders; from left to right (a (diminished) 10 man squad of assault marines, The Red Butchers, Karn the Bloody, Leigon master Loke(contemptor Dreadnaught), and a (diminished) 10 man squad of assault marines.)

This match was conducted using the new 7th edition rules, maelstrom mission "contact lost" and tactical objectives.

LEFT: we see the bored after the first turn with both sides advancing on one another
ABOVE: The Ultramarines take up position in a destroyed building.

Ultra: 3/ World Eater:1

 LEFT: the board after turn two; Above: the red butchers and Karn assault a contemptor; BELOW: Assault marines advance on an Ultramarine held position.

LEFT: The board after turn three
ABOVE: Having finished with the Contemptor; Karn assaults the Thalexi squad
ABOVE: Karn faces off against the Ultramarines Librarian
LEFT: The battle field as of turn 5, alot has been lost on both sides.
BELOW: The last of the world eaters face off against one of the remaining contemptors

LEFT: Loke holds the sole remaining world eaters objective
BELOW: Telemecrus holds an Ultramarines objective

     With a total score of 3 to 11 the world eaters are beaten back and sent yapping back into the arms of their traitorous brethren. Though the cost was high, the Ultramarines saved the day.

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