Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Tactical Squad One- "The Vengeful"

    Sargent Ganeaus Naso is a veteran of the war with the great devourer and harbors a particular hatred for hormagaunt
   Squad Naso prefers to boast a heavy flamer and grav gun, better to hunt both heavy infantry and swarms of cannon fodder simultaneously.
   A relitevly new acquisition and in their first battle they slew a carnifex and added their strength to take down "Steve."

To paint them:

  1. black base coat
  2. cobalt blue coating
  3. light blue drybrush
  4. butter milk applied to parchment
  5. drybrushed up with white
  6. added red and gold detailing
  7. black shoulder pouldron trim
  8. added free hand tacticle markings, squad number and ultima sigil
  9. added "Mark of Falkland" to left knee
  10. touch up
  11. sealed with matte finish

Monday, February 24, 2014

"The Roaring Gryphon"

       Captain Galenus' personal transport, the Roaring Gryphon screams into battle on contrails of fire, blasting the enemies of man kind to dust before disgorging her deadly cargo into the heart of the battle.
      A veritable bulldog in areal battles, the Gryphon is the scourge of doom scythes and valkyries, fighta jets and helldrakes alike. Yet its' prey is not only the denizens of the sky. those on the ground, especially tanks and heavy infantry have felt the wrath of the Gryphon, her assault cannons and missiles scythe down hordes of enemies with every stroke.
     Watch out for her shadow, for what comes after is much less pleasant.

To paint this model I:

  • left off cockpit and turret window/door
  • base coated black
  • applied light blue
  • applied dark blue
  • dry brushed light blue
  • dry brushed silver
  • painted pilot and servitor
  • painted details
  • touch up
  • sealed with matte finish
  • applied "Glass" (clear plastic) with white glue to avoid "frosting"

Roaring Gryphon: right view

Roaring Gryphon: left view

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Veteran Squad Servius "The Fateful Few"
      Veteran Squad Servius is completely composed of space marines from the 5th company. A scourge to xenos and traitors alike many have fallen under into the sights of their specialist bolt guns, only to fall out of them again moments later.
     Among their most prestigious kills are many tyranid monstrous creatures, a transcendent catan shard, and a doom hammer.
Veteran Sargent Servius Silanus 
     Servius, before being elevated into the vaunted ranks of the first, was Captain Galenus' company champion. he has personally lead his squad to victory or glorious death every battle.

The Twins; Appius(left) and Spurius(right)
       The twins, Appius and Spurius, joined the ranks of the Ultramarines nearly a century ago. Although their induction into the ranks of the vaunted first occurred only recently, their skill with their specialist is the scurge of the living and metallic undead alike.
Aulus Tacitus
          Taciturn and efficient, Aulus Tacitus  prefers to stringently follow the Codex Astartes. As the squads most efficient tank hunter, Tacitus' combi melta has been the bane of 2 necron annihilation barges, 3 Lemun Russes, and even the fortress of redemption's vaunted walls.
Vibius Philo w/ melta gun
      The squads special weapon bearer, Philo has a knack for every weapon available to the spacemarines. His finest kill was with a plasma gun, destroying a storm raven in one glorious shot.
Mercus Vespesian
    Mercus is a marine shrouded in mystery. Having only recently returned from a campaign with the deathwatch, he is a new addition to the squad. Silent and vindictive, any tyranid he sees is soon missing pieces...

to paint these models:

1) white base coat
2) secondary base colors
3) dry brush up to bring out the detail
4) detailing
5) washes
6) touch up
7) Matte finish

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Master of the Marches and The Indomitable 
             The Ultramarines 5th company is lead into battle by Captain Galenus a true Ultramarine, who follows the Codex as it was lain down by his Primarch, ten thousand years before.
      Galenus is a warrior with wounded pride. durring a battle dirrected by the chapter master, Marneus Calgar, the 5th was decimated. With over half of his warriors dead the captain of the 5th heroicaly trudges on through these dark times of war and betrayal.
      After the destruction of traitor mecanicum forces in the campaign of Quintanis, Galenus and elements of other Ultramarines forces have taken to the fields of Farkland.

"The Indomitable" 
    Chaplain Marcus Verus watches over the spiritual well being of the 5th company. Clad in his terminator armor His litneys pour from his skull like visage, storm bolter punctuating every verse.

"Captain Galenus"
 Resplendent in his finest war gear, The Master of the Marches leads his men into battle. The relic known as "The Primarch's Wrath" is weilded  by this angel of death alongside a relic blade of epic proportions.

to paint these two models:

1) black base coat
2) secondary base colors
3) dry brush up to bring out the detail
4) detailing
5) washes
6) touch up
7) Matte finish