Tactical Squad One- "The Vengeful"
Sargent Ganeaus Naso is a veteran of the war with the great devourer and harbors a particular hatred for hormagaunt
Squad Naso prefers to boast a heavy flamer and grav gun, better to hunt both heavy infantry and swarms of cannon fodder simultaneously.
A relitevly new acquisition and in their first battle they slew a carnifex and added their strength to take down "Steve."
To paint them:
- black base coat
- cobalt blue coating
- light blue drybrush
- butter milk applied to parchment
- drybrushed up with white
- added red and gold detailing
- black shoulder pouldron trim
- added free hand tacticle markings, squad number and ultima sigil
- added "Mark of Falkland" to left knee
- touch up
- sealed with matte finish
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