Monday, February 24, 2014

"The Roaring Gryphon"

       Captain Galenus' personal transport, the Roaring Gryphon screams into battle on contrails of fire, blasting the enemies of man kind to dust before disgorging her deadly cargo into the heart of the battle.
      A veritable bulldog in areal battles, the Gryphon is the scourge of doom scythes and valkyries, fighta jets and helldrakes alike. Yet its' prey is not only the denizens of the sky. those on the ground, especially tanks and heavy infantry have felt the wrath of the Gryphon, her assault cannons and missiles scythe down hordes of enemies with every stroke.
     Watch out for her shadow, for what comes after is much less pleasant.

To paint this model I:

  • left off cockpit and turret window/door
  • base coated black
  • applied light blue
  • applied dark blue
  • dry brushed light blue
  • dry brushed silver
  • painted pilot and servitor
  • painted details
  • touch up
  • sealed with matte finish
  • applied "Glass" (clear plastic) with white glue to avoid "frosting"

Roaring Gryphon: right view

Roaring Gryphon: left view

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